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LinkedIn profile tips

Some quick profile tips to help you get a larger viewership on LinkedIn

The first thing people check is your LinkedIn profile when you reach out, so it has to sing. In your profile, show you are smart, trustworthy, and an industry expert, and entice them to learn more (but don’t pitch).

Your target audience = potential clients + centers of influence. Ensure your profile is written with them in mind.

Use keywords that are searched for often in your field. Use Google Trends to compare search terms (e.g. “sales professional” vs. “sales representative”).

Section-by-section tips:

– Headline: Describe what you do + value you provide (instead of just your title)

– Contact info: Use your work email and phone number

– About: Describe who you are, what you do, and what value you provide in detail

– Experience: Be factual and write from the perspective of a potential client (without being sales-y). Include major accomplishments with data

– Volunteering, Organizations, Publications: Include all of these – they are great conversation starters and show your human side

#SocialMedia #Sales #Marketing

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